Call a UCD Nurse Advocate who can discuss resources that may help you along your journey: 1-833-646-9823.
Talking to your healthcare team
The more you share with your healthcare team about your urea cycle disorder, the more your healthcare team can help. Use these tips to start the conversation:
Share your concerns. Don’t be afraid to tell your healthcare team if you’re worried about your health.
Don’t be embarrassed. If you don’t understand, ask for a clear explanation because it’s better to know than to leave confused or unsure.
Be clear. Try not to say, “I don’t feel right.” Be specific. For example, “I have severe headaches after eating certain foods.”
Questions to ask your healthcare team
How am I doing compared to my last appointment?
How often should I have my ammonia levels checked?
What are my options to help control symptoms related to my urea cycle disorder?
Are there risks or side effects with taking any of these medicines?